SitemapPagesAesthetic Breast SurgeryBreast EnlargementBreast LiftBreast ReductionAesthetic Facial SurgeryComposite Eyelid & Mid Face LiftingFace Lift and its VariationsBlog & VideosContactHomePatient InformationSitemapThank You!Who is Dr. GhofraniPostsAging & FaceliftsFacelift vs. FillersFat, the Best Filler?Filler Usage Instead of Permanent Implants for the FaceRejuvenation Around the Eyes – Periorbital RejuvenationClinic's updatesDr. Ghofrani interviewed by eZeLiving to Discuss AbdominoplastyReconstructive surgeriesBreast Implants and a Natural Look of the Breast are Contradictory?Breast Implants: Important facts to knowBreast Reduction Surgery – Central Pedicle Technique