By the majority of people an attractive and balanced profile is desirable. There are ideal proportions and measurements in the literature for different kind of populations. Since the midst of last century implants where used to enhance for example the chin or cheekbone area in the face.
In the wake of the development of tissue-compatible fillers with a slow absorption rate, these fillers have become a suitable alternative to permanent implants with unexcelled advantages. First of all they allow a step wise augmentation until the desired result is achieved. The downtime is very short and the costs are much lower compared to a surgical implant placement. After roughly 9 to 12 months the treatment needs to be repeated. Thus, in case the patient would not like the result, with time the filler will be absorbed and the condition will go back to normal.
I am a great advocate of filler augmentation due to above mentioned advantages and even advise patients, who want to undergo a permanent implant insertion, to decide firstly on fillers in order to simulate the effect. Only in very severe cases of hypoplasia, filler may not give the augmentation effect needed or are not stable enough to support the soft tissue.