Composite Eyelid and Mid Face Lifting
When interacting with another person, we look them in the eyes. It is a proven fact that majority of our visual attention focuses on the mid face area of the other person. The area between the eyebrows and lips contributes significantly to our perceived age by others. With that in mind it is only logical that rejuvenation of the face should always assess the eye lids and midface, too.

Who is a right candidate?
Women and Men with signs of ageing in their eye lid and midface are, such as droopy upper eyelid, eyebags in lower eyelid, deepened naso labial folds or sunken cheek masses.
What is the solution?
There are countless publications about different eye lid and mid-face lift techniques. Most of techniques focus on the most superficial layer, the skin, not addressing the deeper tissues like muscle and fat. Especially for the lower eyelid and midface area lifting the entire layers together to their youthful origins is crucial. We call this the composite lift, which restores the position of fat, muscle and skin.
By using this approach Dr. Ghofrani is able to restore the midface and eyelids 15 to 20 years before, for each individual patient.
What is the procedure like?
After a thorough assessment Dr. Ghofrani and the patient agree on the surgical course of action. Usually the procedure is performed at the partner hospital in general anesthesia as an outpatient procedure. The sutures line is laid in the natural crease for the upper eyelid and just 1 mm below the eyelashes for the lower eyelid including the midface lift. Normal not work-related daily activities can be resumed 2 days after the procedure. The sutures can be removed 6 days post op. and patients return to work.
The results are very long lasting and impressive. Most patients see an improvement to pre op. even 15 years after.